Instant transfers to 190+ countries worldwide
Make easy and convenient transfers in few minutes with Alif Mobi
Send money to Visa cards abroad, including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, the UAE, Georgia, and over 190 other countries. With Alif Mobi, you can quickly and securely transfer money, no matter where you are
Send money in somoni and the currency exchange will happen automatically.
Try making a transfer and assure it’s fast and secure.
Send money instantly to recipients to over 190 countries.
Log in to the Alif Mobi app and tap Transfer;
Select International transfers and choose the destination country;
Enter the Visa card number and the amount;
Enter the recipient’s full name;
Confirm the transfer, and the money will reach the recipient quickly.
Log in to the Alif Mobi app and tap Transfer;
Get a card to enjoy favorable transfers and convenient payments.